Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

He said and I quote ā€œOIUTFā€

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Then He should make it so.

As usual youā€™re not wrong. Either you shut it all down or youā€™re only cuntacting, full duck or no dinner. Anything in between Levels 2 and 5 is half baked and only kidding ourselves. With that said I would do everything possible to keep the schools open even at level 5


Yes, the Rugby World Cup is not for another three years so itā€™s early days yet.


I would keep the schools open too. We need to teach teachers a lesson.


My point is not about whether SAGE is on or off the money, so to speak. I do not have even the remotest expertise in that area. So my opinion is worthless.

My point is about how FNā€™s article likely indicates there has been a change of mind in the Tory government about best approach. If so, there are large implications ā€“ not least concerning Brexit.

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chin up lads, only five weeks to until level five is extended


Ah ok. I responded to the article but not your follow up comment.

It could well be that they are accepting some form of rolling restrictions for the forseeable (I literally cant even articulate how against that I am but thatā€™s another matter) so are floating the nightmarish numbers to justify their caution. And also hang out Sage if and when the disaster doesnā€™t come to pass

England is flying it sureā€‹:grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:

can you literally articulate an alternative?

My preference would be for something akin to the Swedish approach.

No, in fairness, heā€™s completely wrong. We need to find a maintainable balance to restrictions.

And five to ten times higher a death rate?

they are pretty much in the same boat.

They only thing is they havenā€™t closed non essential businesses. They are advising people not to go to gyms and restaurants. But are keeping them open

The net result of that is those businesses get no business and also they get no support from government because they arenā€™t closed. Itā€™s a shitty trick

Heā€™ll say what about the deaths from restrictions. Sweden will have death from advice. Same things, different names.

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That is what Iā€™ll say, along with the social costs. I believe there is a world of difference between a government giving health advice and one putting police checkpoints in place to stop you visiting your family.

Anyway you know my answers at this stageā€¦

I think that point is a fair one. The imposition on freedom is highly serious and not to be lightly taken.

The counter argument: the majority of people ā€“ perhaps the great majority ā€“ would act sensibly but the law is there to save the eejits from themselves (and to stop the eejits affecting the sensible). A law must make the deepest possible trawl and not fish on the surface.

Are we all doomed we are?

Shaping that way it seems.

Iā€™d imagine the wail gets the majority of the purple trouser brigade. Iā€™ve genuinely never seen anyone buy the express šŸ¤·
Iā€™m not sure he says a great deal in the article in truth, but his assertion that SAGE has no external scrutiny is likely true enough, and coupled with the inner cabalsā€™ paranoia about informing the people they are supposed to be working on behalf of about anything, it is not a healthy way to run a country.

Where are you getting this projection from? The death rate in Sweden is 587/M million, the death rate in Ireland is 383/M, thatā€™s a factor of X1.5. Thatā€™s the actual data after 8 months of the respective actions taken by Sweden and Ireland. The great majority of these deaths were in the March to May timeframe for both countries. The difference is obviously due to a number of factors, one being that Sweden has an older population, 20% over 65 while Ireland is 14% (hmmm, X1.4).

You have to look at the most recent months as it gives a view of how we are doing now versus back in April when deaths peaked everywhere. Over the past three months death rates in Ireland and Sweden are very similar and in line with population (3-5 per day roughly). If you look at the data posted yesterday for Ireland, there are huge shifts in recent months. Compared to March - May, cases among younger age groups have doubled and cases among older age groups have halved. Death rates for all groups have plummeted and hospitalizations have halved. In the earlier period there were 1290 deaths among the >65 age group, in the recent period 109 deaths. Although there were 29,200 cases detected among the <65 age groups in the past three months, there were 17 deaths or a case mortality rate of 0.06% (at 50% asymptomatic thatā€™s 0.03% IFR).

I think a reasonable conclusion is that both Ireland and Sweden have been doing a good job since May protecting the vulnerable, even though they took different paths to get there.

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