Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Its beginning to mutate

The fucking BGAA, BNPHET and that cunt anthony de hulahan :angry:


Had to take an essential journey down the N7/M9 this evening. Big checkpoint at junction 5 on the N7, three lanes brought into two. Added about 15 minutes to the journey. Odd thing was having slowed everybody down the guards weren’t stopping or questioning anyone. They were just standing at the side of the road. Bizarre stuff.


It’ll thrive in Cork so, they’re a county of mutants

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I’ve postponed my essential journey down till tomorrow as I’ve a few cans and a tub of Pringles in. Hopefully I get waved on

My missus drove to mayo to visit her parents today. She was stopped in Lucan at a checkpoint and asked by a nice female guard where she was going. She told them the truth adding that her parents were elderly and lonely. The guard waved her on.
The whole thing is a charade.

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Sure it’ll either bring down the numbers getting infected or it won’t. If it does it while still allowing common sense journeys like that one all the better.

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I was just referring to the Garda checkpoints. I don’t think they are actually turning anyone back

They 100pc aren’t. But they’re probably still keeping windy cunts home. And if cases fall job done

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All the motorway checkpoints seem that way. Before Level 5 seemed designed to inconvenience travel. Now it seems pointless as nowhere to go.

Same yesterday but they were pulling in the odd few.

For all journeys a simple hi viz thrown up on passenger generally results in being waved through.

I met 7 checkpoints on my jaunt today through Counties Tipperary, Limerick, Clare, Galway, Westmeath & Roscommon.

A lot of the action was just off motorways into towns.

In defence of the HSE;

I’d to get tested yesterday. Had a cough nothing too major, had a sniffle Tuesday that shifted to the chest. Knew it wasn’t covid but herself has to go into the hospital for work from time to time and they’ve a strict protocol in place that meant I’d a cough so had to be tested.
Anyway rang the doctor first thing Thursday. Rang me back Thursday afternoon, had a test Thursday evening and got my results just there 26 hours later. Now there might be a bit of a fast track on that because of herself. But no complaints really, drove straight into the testing centre and was gone again in 5 minutes I’d say.
The only waste of time was having to ring the GP first. I presume they’ve that to stop every crank getting a test every few weeks, but it’s completely pointless. I told her it was a cold, no temperature, no symptoms except a wet cough (it’s supposed to be a dry one). Ya unlikely you have it she says but you’ve to be tested anyway. So you are getting a test regardless. Rather than waste the GPs time it’d be a lot more efficient to ring a HSE helpline or something.
As I said no complaints and as expected all clear. They seem to have the testing side down now in fairness.


As an aside my immune system is gone very bad. I’ve been sick twice this year and I interacting with no one. Normally I’d get a few sniffles all year and they’d never knock a stir out of me.
I think lack of exposure to any sickness means it’s worse when I do get it. All coming from the crèche I’d say.

You’re fucked.

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You’d want a mask in a creche without the virus around

Dry air, mate.

Buy plants & big bowls to fill with water.

Vitamin D, 6000 IU a day, a lot of Irish people are deficient and lockdown won’t have helped.

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I picked up chickenpox from spending an hour having coffee with friends adjacent to a playcentre. Places are riddled at the best of times.

Trialling a “slow mode” for this topic for the weekends to give everyone a break and to allow different voices.

You can only post on this topic once every 4 hours at the weekend. Will just see how it goes.