Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Tony is going to make them run a follow up ad where they are the 6 people allowed at the Grandfathers funeral.


See the “Twitter” thread. Danny’s been unmasked as a confidence trickster by the ONLINE left wing social justice warrior brigade.

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He’s locked down his account.

He ain’t seen nothing yet. Level 2 Level 2 Level 2
(or Level 3 with Pubs and indoors x 3)

There is absolutely no way the government will keep the county and household restrictions over Christmas.

It’ll be a lovely moment when the nation sits down on Christmas Day to watch Adolf Holohan tell them that cases are skyrocketing cos they dared visit their cousins and we need at least two months of level 6 to flatten the curve

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Fair play for getting the picture right

The virus might agree to a Christmas truce like the English and Germans on the front line in WW1

Has he? I looked through those threads but they are just long threads of people saying he did this and that.

Is this just a way for those oddballs to out him?

I will say, he is just as bizarre, he went off the deep end on Twitter completely. But this idea that someone would concoct a Twitter alias that posts Covid stats in order to dupe people is a bit off the wall.

Tomas Ryan is on The Tonight show later for those who can’t get enough of him. Save your turkey for January folks.

Presumably the virus will want to home to Chy-na for Christmas?



Now you have it

It’s completely irresponsible to have him on tv tonight spouting his lunatic agenda unless there is someone else there to challenge him. Narcissistic freak revelling in his 15 minutes and terrifying people.


What’s the difference between a confidence trickster and someone moderately famous with a patreon?

A podcast to go with it

We need to send him up to the Nordies to tell the DUP what to do. Its so easy in his mind

He needs a new song