Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Definitely higher per capita at the moment anyway. Ours seem tiny since the spring for whatever reason

Why arenā€™t those cunts in RTE hounded out of their jobs like Phil Hogan


Trump was right all along

Pencil necks address to the nation will be fairly muted tonight.

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The only men to lose their jobs at the hands of the mob are Big Phil and the Failte Ireland lad. For the crime of a bit of leisure

Stopped at a checkpoint on the N7 southbound tonight. Iā€™d say it added 15 minutes to my essential journey. Guard was very pleasant and accepted my story without demur.


Disgusting the way Big Pharma held back the vaccine news from Americans as they were so upset that President Trump took them on to get cheaper prices for drugs.

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Thats capitalism for you

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Any interactions Iā€™ve had with the :policewoman:t3: going to or from Portlaoise to drop off or collect the youngest have been very pleasant.

A lot of kites in the air this week, youā€™d nearly swear next week is decision time

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To the prison?

Didnā€™t know the prison allowed you to do time as you please but if thatā€™s what you think away you go

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Did we ever have that review of the situation after 4 weeks? That would have been yesterday Iā€™m sure.

Conjugal I presume

Youā€™re a twisted person

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Stop being weird

Thereā€™s something about the spread of this thing that is truly weird. Countries like Poland that had low incidence back in the first wave are riddled now, as are remote US states like the Dokotas. The most vulnerable are getting hit here far harder now as the disease progresses inland, would make one worry about the winter ahead.1918 redux?


shocking scenes in Cork last night

3 people were killed according to Brendan and Nuala on facebook

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