Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Sallyanne :clap: :clap:
Thank fuck it wasn’t that self absorbed Hugo’s yoke again

I’d say he has no interest in sports or non sports like rubby.

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Don’t think he’s much of a sports fan. On Dunphy’s podcast he had no idea who Lionel Messi was.


He is too busy being the voice of small business for sports

Peter Burke is talking as if the party he represents aren’t the actual government of the country.

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3rd or 4th quarter of 2021. Are they not starting to vaccinate in some countries in the next few weeks?

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Like all of his theoretical and medical colleagues this thing has had no impact on their lives and livelihoods.

Only to create huge profiles for them.

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Trump is rolling it out next week

In fairness everything tomas is saying is right. No one is happy what we’re at now is a bollox. Its just his solution might be unworkable. But is it any less workable than the current strategy.

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The vaccine is a cod.

The whole herd immunity thing seems to have disappeared off the radar. Here was I thinking if 30 or 40% of the population got vaccinated then the virus would run out of welcome hosts.

The vaccines caught them on the hop and now its all about milking whats left of their 15 minutes while they still can


It’s the way he says it though. Condescension oozing out of him and his ilk.

Thomas Ryan is a crazy cunt

That would be more an argument against Tony hoolahoop. Camp Tommy is looking for a radical change in approach

What do they want now?

Yeah that’s definitely true. He’s looking for a total change that he feels will make life better than what we have now though. He’s similar to an oiutfer in a lot of ways

61% of irish people are happy with the restrictions
25% want more restrictions (!!)
14% are OIUTF

Project fear has been a rousing success.


Media must be dreading this be over.

Now discussing how to safely hug. :joy::joy:

Luke O’Neill is sound and actually some way qualified

Do any of these guests get a fee?