Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

It’s not about democracy it’s about how busy the carpark across from Holohan’s office is


Very revealing. He does not want a vaccine. The power trip must go on

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I liked this bit

“We’re taking a myopic, short-term approach that creates risk and uncertainty for businesses into 2021”

:laughing: :man_facepalming:


Some might call it maximising media opportunities for financial gain.


This is quite interesting about clustering of Covid views.

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Would the WFH crew fall within group 4?

3,000 deaths a day in the US and people are still sceptical about it?


To be fair, that might be the naming he gave it rather than their views. I’d say they’d have been better named the OIUTF crew

Sure even their beloved Sweden are locking down at this stage.

Shinners opposing travel to and from the north, glorious.

Who proposed that Tim?


Apologies, forgot about your comprehension issues. My question is, what Sinn Fein member wants to stop cross border travel?

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Where did I say they did?

It was alluding to this tweet.

i think he’s talking about the fact that SF voters seemed to land into group 2 in that link I posted - which had a higher level of opposition to travel from Northern Ireland.

Wouldn’t blame them with DUP knuckle draggers wanting to let it rip.

What a gobshite

Fear! I’ll do my best to bump up the numbers. Big 3 weeks ahead. Drinking fighting and smoking for the celebration of the birth of santy

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They couldn’t just sit there and read out relatively low numbers and few deaths.