Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

There has been cases where ambulances are arriving at houses to test someone, to find that the person awaiting the test is not at home when they arrive.

@caulifloweredneanderthal has finally cracked

I believe an investigation is underway into one of the Gardai who attended the press conference launching the JoJo Dullard murder inquiry a couple of days ago for doing exactly this.

Weā€™re at fackinā€™ nathin. Plod wants to be on the telly.

Ireland has changed forever.

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Drogheda was always a kip in fairness

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Thereā€™s mistrust in the government. It doesnā€™t lead to compliance with policy. We have a fair share of fuck the gubbiment types in this country who if told to stay in would go out even if they never went out before they were told to stay in


when were you in Poland?

How did they let the track and trace go to shit. The public stepped up when asked and fuck all were brought in to help. They had over 60k volunteers who wanted to help for free.

Holahan Holahon Holahon

This caught my attention. Dr Ciara Kelly must have been saying ripping peopleā€™s masks off.

And the lead headline on the Irish Times right now.

There are huge divisions in Irish society right now, itā€™s like two political communities almost but thereā€™s also a lot of anger. I can see this becoming the major scandal that it should be.

The fucking eejits honestly didnā€™t think it would go up again so did nothing to prepare. Go home contact tracers your work is done. Sniffer dogs at airports? No need weā€™ll keep them closed. What next for NPHET? Summer holidays lads, curve flattened, job done, hon Tony bai.

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The only variable that has changed in the last four months is the schools opening. Everything else has been opened throughout the summer and the case rate was low. We had 25 per 100k in mid September and now we are 250 per 100k. The fatalities appear to be in the same older age group or with pre-existing conditions as in most countries but I havenā€™t looked into the detail.

The Government were so focused on their Presidential election in the Spring that they took their eye off the ball if they ever had it on it and havenā€™t done much preparations for a second wave. There are about 700 people on ventilators now and they are running out of capacity. Government are looking to set up extra hospital space, talking about using the National Stadium and an old hospital building in Krakow for example.

I know of about six people who had/have the COVID in my office in recent weeks whereas up to now no-one knew anyone who had it. Some people have been very sick for three or four days others just feeling a bit groggy for a day or so.

From last weekend we have to wear masks in the open air, senior hours are back in shops, seniors are told to stay indoors, secondary schools have gone on line, primary schools are still open, bars and restaurants are open until 9pm. Not in lockdown.

The question is whether the case rate starts dropping in the next week or so.


He was super spreading. Out dancing with young wans in freshers week like an ape.

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there was 300 tracers repurposed from other public sectors.

they had scaled back in June and July alright - too much. Thatā€™s a fuck up. They scaled up in August as the cases went up.

A gym in Clondalkin now adamant theyā€™ll be open tomorrow. That makes two (2) thatā€™ll be open

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Twas the poor chapā€™s last chance to find a wife.


Two of them in the worst two electorate areas in Dublin :flushed:

Its actually hilarious how bad they fucked up. No wonder they are shocked every winter when the health service is overwhelmed. We might as well have been OIUTF as I said we should. I didnt stick by this stand point as Iā€™m a granny murderer, I knew the goverment couldnā€™t organise anything more complex than iodine tablets and a natural disaster handbook

they will be closed by the ERU first thing in the morning



Iā€™m in Dundalk, not Drogheda mate.

Donā€™t ā€œsame differenceā€ me

P.S. Iā€™d never waste drink like that either