Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

If the vaccines are supplied youā€™d imagine this could and will be done in jig time

Iā€™d imagine, once youā€™ve the 20% of the most at risk vaccinated, hospitalisation etc should fall dramatically and we can all go back to some sort of normality

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Might it also be true that it may be in a countries longer term interests for the majority to not be vaccinated to build up that old herd immunity?

The risk is even with vaccine a consensus emerges that vaccination does not prevent transmission and masks and social distancing are with us til end of 2022.

I hate and I mean hate the phrase ā€˜some sort of normalityā€™. It drives me demented.

I want it all back. Pubs, Crowds, Festivals, everything.


There will be a lot of stakeholder invested here, we already know who they are for the most part. I suppose you are just hoping the general public will get sick of it all sooner rather than later if they keep peddling the fear angle even post vaccine


Iā€™ll never give out about being crammed into that dump, Cusack Park, Ennis ever again.


Ah I see you have corrected that decimal

Hopefully thereā€™s a massive Garda operation ready to go here in case any pub or restaurant stays open until half three.

Walking around city centre for last hour with a sleeping baby on my bosom - didnā€™t see a single (gastro)pub or restaurant open, most had signs up saying they were closing on 23rd.

Surely the army will have to be mobilised

This seems to be going from bad to worseā€¦ Thereā€™s so much information doing the rounds from multiple different sources with different agendas itā€™s hard to know what is really the state of play. @Tankā€™s postings from his scientists friend could be the one that tips the world over the edge.

Of course these headlines of - new strain ā€˜MAYā€™ be more transmissible / dangerous for kids - is the kind of bullshit we can all do without. Itā€™s bad enough we have Herr Holohan giving it the bigā€™un on the airwavesā€¦ we donā€™t need Nazis sympathisers going nuts in the home to go with it.

Iā€™ve largely ignored the news and what not for the last 6 months and was all the better for itā€¦ A few days of following this shite on TV and radio recently has put a right damp squid on my Christmas mood.

Iā€™m starting s new job in January, fuck knows how thatā€™s gonna go.



You horsey Cheltenham cunts brought this upon us

Weā€™re fucked, itā€™s all over.

My Mrs is on the brink hereā€¦ I donā€™t need my online besties falling apart as well. Pull yourself together pal.


cc @Batigol @Thomas_Brady @Lazarus


Just be grateful most of us had a good run at it back when we were young and silly. Its the likes of @Copper_pipe youā€™d feel sorry for, just starting out on life really


If you can keep your head when all those around you are losing theirsā€¦ Youā€™ll be a man, my son.

Thereā€™s better days ahead lads.

When this all over Iā€™m going to buy me a farm.