Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

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I have some magic beans you may be interested in

616 is actually the number of the beast

A relation of @bill ?

Christmas is officially over … @anon67715551 has called it. Time to tool up.

I’m guessing he believes all the nonsense he typed.

Who the fuck is he?

A gee bag.

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The worst thing is you’ll have ejits believing his rubbish

In fairness to him, he’s the first person I’ve seen go to the college of hard knocks in between the school of hard knocks and the University of Life

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The wolf will call to his door yet and all who likes his sick posts. A cheap sniper .

He gave you an old fashioned dunt so he did.

The Wolf lives outside @anon67715551 house

He should thread carefully. The internet is a small place

Am I reading that correctly that over 90% of the people in the community with confirmed cases are people with chronic underlying health issues. I.e so if you don’t have an underlying health condition you either don’t pick up infection or you are ten times less likely to be tested, which doesn’t seem right.

Who was @bill before?

Rubbish .
