Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

This is reminiscent of the abortion debates, I donā€™t doubt your reasons for reposting this but I find this kind of overly emotive tweet to be below the belt

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Weā€™re up 22% year on year


Lads I was listening to a bit of that nursing home story in Galway earlier.

Jaysus, I got upset listening to it. The head of nursing there is at home because sheā€™s asymptomatic and sheā€™s on the phone morning, noon and night to HSE it seems. She said thereā€™s one nurse thatā€™s there for the past 72 hours. If any of us worked straight for 24 hours, weā€™d probably get 100 likes on the INTERNET.

The HSE are telling her not the panic. She said theyā€™d be panicking if it was their mothers inside in the nursing home. She was holding back the tears. Our health system is a fucking embarrassment. Weā€™ve known this for years. I know everyone talks about COVID and it mainly killing off old, sick people who are probably not far off dying anyways, but imagine being inside in that nursing home and the absolute fear you would have. Iā€™m fucking livid over this


Yeah I see where you are coming from, it can be taken as overy emotional, the Australian baby thing us ridiculous is more the point i was making. Someone rightly fucked up there. Its something that could happen here, with our track record

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Good deals on the Capri Suns and Buttons. I stocked up at the weekend :rofl:

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Seriously what age are you? Iā€™ll hazard a guess - 6??

Youā€™ll do poorly around here attacking the mascot.

@Copper_pipe is 25. It was his birthday last weekā€¦

And I wonā€™t have a bad word said about him. Heā€™s like the son I never had


Genuine question, but what is the HSEā€™s responsibility to private nursing homes?

I think people can make the point about the mental health issue as I would imagine this is going to be incredibly tough for people who are prone to mental illness (and probably some who arenā€™t). The mental health impact is one of the reasons why Iā€™m staunchly anti-restrictions, though not the main one.

But I think directly attributing suicides to it is a little unfair. Suicide is an incredibly complex issue, that was happening in much too high numbers before COVID19 ever came to our shores.

Youā€™re right to be. I get the same thinking about all the people that died and not allowed to have anyone around them. My granny spent her last years in a nursing home, it was a nice place and we were able to visit all the time and she had a good quality of life there. Thank god she is not around for this. It must be awful for anyone living in a nursing being locked up in a climate of fear and no one allowed to visit, and for the families too.


Genuinely I donā€™t know. I just found it very upsetting.

I would hope it would support in terms of deployment of emergency staffing during a global pandemic. The nursing home canā€™t get agency staff as there are none available. The HSE said they were sending some out eventually but they didnā€™t show up :man_shrugging:

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They register and inspect them and approve them. Under Fair Deal they largely pay for them. In this case people are following advice and isolating under HSE guidelines and people they care for are not being cared for.

The HSE is a fucking disgrace at times. In particular the management level. That management level is NPHET.

NPHET is hand sanitiser mask wearing social distancing we donā€™t work weekends computer says no we cannot contact trace shutter your business donā€™t go 5km donā€™t visit anybody HSE.


I had a two grandparents who passed away in nursing homes. Iā€™m glad they are long gone (one 20 years ago, the other 11) and not living through this

I thought that was HIQA ?

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Yes it is HiQA but who can tell the difference when it comes to it?

Yeah youā€™re right HIQA inspect them and enforce standards for all nursing homes public and private


Updated #covid19ireland incidence rates by local electoral area (up to last Monday):

Ballyjamesduff 1488.3
Ratoath 1212.6
Galway City Central 981.2
Gorey 979.9
Cork City SC 804.3
Cavan-Belturbet 774.3
Ashbourne 753.1
Maynooth 612.2
Sligo-Strandhill 582.1
Listowel 565

George Lee is like a spokesman for NPHET rather than a journalist who should be questioning them and demanding answers



George Lee has just said that if you go outside now YOU ARE 10 TIMES MORE LIKELY TO GET THE VIRUS THAN YOU WERE IN JUNE

Fucking hell, scaremongering at its finest. No indication what the actually likelihood of catching the virus is.