Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

In 1914, on Christmas Day,
on the Western front the guns all died away.
And, lying in the mud on bags of sand,
we heard the German sing from no man’s land.
He had a tenor voice so clear and true,
the words were strange, but every note we knew
a-soaring o’er the living, dead and damned;
that soldier sang of peace from no man’s land

He was an he wasn’t, forecasting an outcome based on a trajectory is only valid at a particular moment in time and in a specified set of circumstances which is slightly worse than a stopped clock which is right twice a day.

While his assertion was correct it shouldn’t be taken as a prediction. Similarly were Clare or Limerick to bag a goal in the first minute of play this afternoon they’d be on a trajectory to score 70 goals.

The maths is sound but the sentiment ridiculous, we just need to see it for the Hyperbole that it is


Tomas Ryan’s article in Sunday Business Posts starts with a reference to rugby

Further proof that this lad is not to be trusted


He was on Dunphy’s podcast a while ago and maintained he had never heard of Lionel Messi. An odious creep


Then know thyself.

That’s a bizarre criteria to define a creep

You have not got a clue. Not a jot. You are just one of these clowns conducting a straw argument between the false poles of Zero Covid and Herd Immunity.

The nub is what prompts action. Death rate is not the nub. Anyone with a twitter of genuine sense could grasp that the nub is infection rate. If 25,000 people a day are becoming infected, with each person allotted five close contacts (which is a most conservative figure), this scenario puts 150,000 people in a 14 day lockdown. The figure involved, over merely that fortnight, would rise to 2.1 million people being caught in a rolling lockdown, irrespective of ancillary legal measures. This scenario, in which only 17% or so of people would actually have the virus and perhaps acquire some degree of immunity, is not feasible for any society, any economy. The related cruxes around travel and education – especially at third level – will not be addressed by your confident and hectic stupidity.

Spoofing on about death rates and age cohorts, while far from beside the point in ethical terms, is beside the point in practical terms. Nearly all governments have come to the view – and rightly so, in any sensible person’s perspective – infection rates cannot be allowed to rise beyond a certain point. This realization necessitates difficult and highly complex decisions, which have been executed with varying degrees of nous by different governments. Anyone with a titter of genuine sense could grasp these dynamics, could grasp neither Zero Covid nor OIUTF buffoonery answers the terrible dilemmas at hand.

But: not a titter, not a jot.


Nah he wasn’t. He applied a consistent R but that was stalling in Dublin in advance of this. You had weeks of 20%+ growth but in fact it was moderating to 4-5% by then. And he also said that when household restrictions were applied to Dublin ahead of Level 3.

The growth rate always slows for this.

Logistically even for 5k cases for Dublin on a like for like basis you would have to unseen positivity rates. 15k rests was the norm then so let’s say even with half going to Dublin, that would be positivity of 67%, unheard in any place since proper mass testing was introduced.

He was going the same scare games that the likes of Whitty we’re engaged in.

At worst Dublin could have got to about 2k positive on a like for like basis.


Good point at the end there.

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All the aunties are beside themselves. At last one of the extended family has been tested…no word back, not much in the way of symptoms but they’re going at the rosary hammer and tongs…on zoom.


Yeah, a bit like you: a vacancy.

It would be refreshing to see this post properly addressed, I don’t think ‘it’s all a cod anyway’ will do.

Ignoring the insults obviously


This makes no sense. It’s feasible to lockdown 4.5million people for 6 weeks, probably stretching out to years but not feasible to lockdown a far fewer number of people for a far shorter time frame.

The HSE had 6 months to get ready for this. ICU capacity apparently decreased during that period. I’m not spending the next few years under house arrest because of the incompetence of the HSE. The health service has turned into the greatest threat to human freedom on the planet. I want a health service that serves the public and lets them live their lives, not vice versa.


Why don’t you address it yourself? Do you agree with the Irish government moving to level 5 for the entire country?

The test centre in Aviva was closed this morning. Opened at 2pm. You cannot make this stuff up. The virus takes a rest on bank holidays.

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I don’t understand why the government didn’t let level 3 work. They told us before it took 3 weeks. It appears the numbers are tumbling down.

If your scenario is even remotely accurate, how has Sweden avoided this societal and economic collapse you predict?


Nobody wearing masks in Sweden now for months

They panicked as the contact tracing system collapsed last weekend.