Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

The zero covid disinformation merchants are at it again.

Ask yourself why the PM of a country felt the need to resign so as not to damage his party’s chances at the next election.

Could they not quarantine for 14 days per departure (and order Deliveroo so they don’t go outside), take a pre departure PCR and book into a quarantine hotel beforehand?

Ireland’s excuse to stop accepting refugees was covid.

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The next phase is where the triple vaxxed are seething at the double vaxxed and demand they are ostracized.

Being against mass death is racist.

Translation: mass death is fine if it’s of poor people far away.

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What a bizarre response.

You say not acceptimg refugees prevented mass death? So you’re fine as long as the mass death is of poorer people somewhere else.

Other countries took the approach of speeding up their acceptance of refugees because of the danger posed to them by covid. That’s a laudable approach. Ireland’s approach I think reflects quite poorly on us by comparison.


Not necessarily.

Let me just point out what you are taking part in. You’re taking part in the fake narrative pushed by the very people who in pre-Covid times cheerled the racist immigration policies of every racist demagogue under the sun.

These people are now let it rip merchants. And because they’re epidemiolgically illiterate and intent on allowing as much mass death as it takes to get their economies over the rainbow to the magical never never land of herd immunity, and because in and of itself this policy is monstrous, they have to find some fake, lying way to tug at the heartstrings. That way is to mendaciously portray their opponents, those not in favour of mass death, as automatically racist. It is now racist, say the racists, to oppose mass death in any way.

It is as transparent as it disgusting. It is insidious. And you’ve bought wholesale into that narrative… And you should be fucking ashamed of yourself for it.

Under the so called Great Barrington Declaration, that is exactly what it meant. It is inescapable.

It’s not true.

That’s a stupid post despite the big words you tried to crowbar into it.

You said stopping accepting refugees was to prevent mass death. Bullshit, small minded, mean spirited nonsense.

Other EU countries saw the dangers posed by covid to people in refugee camps and sped up their reception of refugees. Ireland did the opposite. This reflects poorly on Ireland.


It’s of course impossible to have refugees (in the strictest form of the word) if you are enforcing Zero Covid. There has been 4 refugee events in the last 10 years that have led to the displacement of 1m+ from a country.

It is even more egregious to block them when other countries have provided a third country method to process them, like in Ireland’s case. It goes to the heart of the ZC mentality. ZC is barely talked about on mainland Europe as they understand land borders.

It is true. The so called Great Barrington Declaration was published in October 2020. There were no vaccines at that point. So theoreticallly the only way to herd immunity was by mass infection, and therefore, mass death.

Since the vaccines have come on stream the commitment of the primary authors of the so called Great Barrington Declaration to mass vaccination has been at best extremely questionable. As I pointed out earlier, the three primary authors, Kulldorff, Gupta and Bhattacharya acted as scientific advisors to an anti-vaccine group, PANDA. Now Kulldorff, at the height of the pandemic in Florida, where he advises Governor Death Sentence, compares masks to burqas under the Taliban regime. That, right now, is a maniacal shriek to let Covid spread as widely as possible in as short a time as possible.

These people are ghouls. That’s their ideology. The ideology of mass death.

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Wsit till they gear about direct provision

Quote where I said that.

That was your response to Ireland stopping accepting refugees.

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I’ll ask you again.