Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

No, like I said- reasoned opinions. People are free to listen and make their own mind up. Or they could rely on William to insttuct them

I can only back up that view from conversations had with hospital employees who said there was nothing to do in there once the initial sting has began to ease.

There was a serious fear from the general public that you were more likely to pick it up in the hospital than out & about whilst restrictions were still in place.

Fucks knows tbh.

Major issue too is the Caredoc system currently isn’t worth a wank.

You ring them with any fear for a child’s health and they literally don’t want to know. Go get a test is the first reply and if you persist with a worry they’ll tell you ring an Ambulance.

How I imagine @Batigol sees the world with statements like that……

The main problem with Cummins isn’t that he has no qualification. There are lots of people without qualifications in the relevant fields who have done their homework on this pandemic and are making serious good faith contributions to public debate.

Of course there are far more who haven’t done their homework and are talking complete balderdash.

The main problem with Cummins is that he is an open agent of fascism, a total bad faith operator who is egging on the destruction of society, and is making tons of money from a lot of gullible people in the process.

He’s the proverbial preacher on the Old Time Gospel Hour, stealing money from the sick and the old, or in this case MMA loving eejits who get their views from Facebook. And the only God he believes in is the God of greed, and cash.

That’s lovely.
No agro, tension or aggression. A swift tap to the bollocks

The Simpsons Gesture GIF

But you’re not that bright harry

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Everything you are saying is correct. I would think much less of a nurse or a doctor that refused a vaccine. I think they should all get it. But I wouldn’t sack those who dont.

Would anyone here have trouble accepting care from a nurse or doctor who wasn’t vaccinated?

Let me think about that for 0.0000001 seconds.


Would you have a problem if you had a 78 year old parent in hospital for a non-Covid medical condition who was being attended to by an unvaccinated nurse or doctor?

I admire your blind faith in Twitter. The end.

So if (God forbid) you were stabbed in the morning you’d only accept care from a vaccinated nurse/doctor? I find that hard to believe.

I have an elderly parent in hospital regularly and have never inquired about the vaccine status of her carers and nor has she. I’ve seen her thrown on a trolley for 11 hours (in 2019, before COVID existed) and worry more about the standard of care she’s getting rather than on whether the person caring for her has the jab. Now I’d much prefer it if they did, but I certainly wouldn’t be refusing care on the basis of it

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Jaysus, even by his standards @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy made a show of himself again last night.


You should enquire.

Because if the care they get is from an unvaccinated nurse or doctor, they are running a much elevated risk of catching Covid from that person, and becoming extremely ill or dying from it.

Last year Covid outbreaks were absolutely rife in hospitals, as I know from bitter experience.

You cannot, with any credibility, complain about what happened in nursing homes or how those Covid outbreaks happened in hospitals, if you support the unvaccinated being allowed to work in hospitals.

It’s a recipe for more of these outbreaks.

If you were stabbed in the morning would you accept care from an unvaccinated nurse or doctor?

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That’s a very, very silly non sequitur to avoid dealing with the actual issue here.

Do you not see how having unvaccinated staff in hospitals is likely to lead to more outbreaks in hospitals and care homes of the exact same type we’ve had over the last 19 months?

Given that you talked about stabbing, do you not see how unvaccinated workers in care settings have a much elevated risk of spreading the virus and killing their patients? And given that nurses and doctors and care home staff all have to deal with lots of patients at close quarters, that could potentially mean lots of dead people?

How do you find this acceptable?

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Are you going to answer the question or will I leave it?

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You are introducing a ludicrous red herring and are not addressing the actual issue.

It is an appalling standard of debating on your part and sadly representative of the appalling standard of debating and wilful stupidity of the OIUTF cult here.

It’s a very simple question and likely a reality. We have a ferocious shortage of nurses in this country. Half the MHQ population was nurses from India. We have to be pragmatic about this. I think everyone (except maybe very young kids) should be vaccinated, and I think it’s stupid for a nurse or doctor not to be. But we live in the real world, in Ireland with an appalling health service. We need nurses and doctors.

I would have thought it was a no brainer but hey what do we know?

The problem of losing the very small amount of nurses and doctors who refuse to be vaccinated is a problem that is preferable to having those unvaccinated staff going around like ticking time bombs, the risk of them causing outbreaks in hospitals and care homes ever present.

Such irresponsibility is in my book nothing less than insisting on the right to inflict culpable homicide.