Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Is there anything to be gleaned from these numbers? Seems like a waste of time, who gives a fuck if 300 cases were recorded from public houses yesterday, or they’re all confined to nursing homes… It’s meaningless bullshit.

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That makes sense. Anyone only doing it when they have the sniffles is codding themselves.

In fairness. There’s a big difference outcome wise between 300 cases in nursing homes and 300 in pub settings.

Youngest (fully vaccinated) was :face_with_thermometer: at the weekend bad cough etc antigen test Saturday was clear we knew the out of hours doc wouldn’t see her so we booked an appointment with the Digital Doc with Irish Life Health prescribed for a chest infection and had a PCR on Monday which I personally thought was a waste of time and that came back negative. If we hadn’t used the online doc she wouldn’t have been able to see a GP until Tuesday at the earliest which is a joke if someone is sick and can’t avail of the online service.

If it’s one thing Covid has shown it’s the power of marketing.

We had a virus that overwhelmed the health service every year, cost lives, huge cost of lives in a particularly bad season (see 17/18) and it did this on an annual basis but nobody cared.

A few years later they remarketed it, put loads of scary warnings and narratives with it and people lost their shit.

What is utter baffling is the chumps like @farmerinthecity who continually downplay and dismiss how serious flu can be, that it can shut down the health service, can cause mass loss of life, can make people very ill yet are scared of their lives of Covid.

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What would the main differences between the two be ?

Covid is a novel virus. Mass testing for Covid and arbitrary recording of Covid deaths have overblown Covid.

I agree. But are there differences in how the viruses spread and how sick they make people or how many die? I genuinely don’t know by the way

Hard to know but there was not much difference between the Nov - Feb period last year in contrast to the winter flu season of 17/18 in terms of deaths. What was interesting is it barely raised an eyelid in 17/18 in contrast to the hysteria Covid has had on the back of an aggressive marketing campaign.

Do you recall scenes of bodied piling up in Italy and Madrid and New York because they were out of space to store them?

Novel virus effect. Hasn’t been repeated since.

Who’s carrying out the marketing campaign? Why didn’t they do it before now ?

Big Pharma and the bought for science and medical community.

You’ve had a few cuts at the Leitrim man on this thread already …


Why did they decide to unleash the plan now I wonder

Don’t fall for the aww shucks I’m just asking questions, I don’t really know Louis Theroux routine from that guy. It’s his MO, he has colors nailed to the mast here

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I will call out simple minded flu deniers and vaccine fascists.

The impacts of dealing with a novel virus that you are completely unprepared for.

And now that we’re prepared for it - with restrictions and vaccines - that doesn’t happen again. But we have seen what does happen if no countermeasures are taken, right?

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