Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Viruses can leave people tired for a while but it’s the first time the nomenclature “Long” was added and that seems to have been to scare people who had little or no symptoms of Covid.

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I think sympathy has long left the building when they double down and triple down with some of the nonsense they have.

When do you stop trying to help a person who doesn’t want to be helped?


The deniers are circle jerking… :grinning:

Funny how the Covid fanatics are the biggest flu deniers about.

Lads, I’ve a confession to make.

I never got the vaccine

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A work mate of mine who misses lots of days due to coughs (covid fears), minor sports injuries, weddings, funerals, you name it got a full 3 weeks off just there from covid.

He had done the 10 days off work when he still had a slight cough. The doctor gave him another week off because of fears of long covid. The same fella told me today he was actually only sick for 3/4 days of the whole 3 weeks.

This covid lark is great for lazy fuckers.


I’d go a step further and say it didn’t scare people. It gave them an excuse. Shur look at, at the start you had people suffering with anxiety because they missed the office. By the time it came to go back to work you had the same useless fuckers saying that they now had back to work anxiety. As I said , there are people who have genuinely suffered more the others but the amount of lads that jumped on the bandwagon over this thing is phenomenal.

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Sure is. Refuse to get vaccinated, never work a day in your life again.

Useless lazy fuckers the lot a yis. :grinning:

That’s fine but when the time comes I will have to fuck you out of hospital and take your bed


The same fella is doubled jabbed. So am I btw.

It’s gas someone can get 3 weeks off for a a max 3/4 day illness.

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That’s kind of my point though. It seems mad that you would have to dig when it could be the headline figure at the NPHET press conference? X amount of unvaccinated people are in hospital and X amount of them are under 50 or whatever

It isn’t a max 3/4 day illness. That’s why 15 million people are dead and 1.2 million in Britain have long Covid.

I agree. The unvaccinated need to be made public enemy number one. The filthy freaks.

I remember one time doing an ecstacy tablet and all this green snotty gunk started coming out of my eyeball. I reckon it was probably rat poison or something like that. That turned into a really great night, very special.

Look, you’re obviously not more worthy of life than a vaccinated 60 year old just because you’re younger. I’m sorry but they deserve that bed more than you and you’ll have to be chucked out so I can do more rat poison pills.


I would love to get covid.

This ladies and gentleman is the liberal left at the moment.

A crying shame from when they used to stand for the working class. Shocking.

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1.2 million :joy::joy::joy:


If you’re good and a performer then WFH in some roles is seamless and I’ve lads like that on my team who’d have worked from home before Covid and you’d not know if they were in or out. They’ve performed away.

There’s other lads who need to come into office and realise they need a structure to their day and they come in once restrictions were lifted. They struggle at home with all the distractions but are self aware so impose a structure. Aren’t in every day but probably most days and for some of the day.

There’s a final group who have stayed away from office and don’t have the discipline or structure to perform out of the office. They also don’t realise this or they realise it and have got to a stage where they can’t be arsed. You’d worry about them if this goes on longer as it’s hard to turn that around once you lose motivation and discipline of working.


Relax they won’t match your DNA …

