Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Thanks mate, much appreciated.

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You would do well to listen to that eejit, you could become a top top poster maybe even crack the top 5 someday.

It heading for a winter lockdown with vaccine rollout for the 2-11 age group, and booster shots for everyone every 270 days


Tony Holahan, Tomas Ryan, @mikehunt, Gabriel Scally, Eimear McLysaght, George Lee, Ryan Tubridy, Gerry Killeen, can you hear me Gerry Killeen? Your boys took one hell of a beating.


Huzzah, a meaningful Christmas


The Stryker Christmas party will be even more wreckless this year.


What is the story with vaccine boosters? It looks like we are all going to need them over the coming months as immunity wears off.

So basically we have to go through this whole vaccination process again - albeit for one shot.

Looks like it alright, while the people in poor countries can go and fuck themselves.

The pharma companies will make sure it’s needed every year

Had we any poster on here who has consistently warned against the motives of big pharma?

So when Donnelly talks about all restrictions being lifted, that comes with the caveat that everyone must have their third shot, the popularity of which is certain to diminish.

This means that the virus could well surged again.

I would think the third shot will be for a certain age cohort only. But we will have to wait and see. It seems illogical for the rich to hoard all the vaccines while the tau variant or whatever they come up with next, is being generated in Asia somewhere

Like so many things in this pandemic, if you said 6 months ago we’d have over 80% vaccinated and still have a raft of restrictions in place people would have thought you were mad, no way people would stand for it etc…

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Paddy will do what he’s told.


At least one. It’s hardly a surprise. Pharmaceutical companies are companies and the Pharmaceutical industry is an industry. There’s lads on here who think they’re NPOs, charities or humanitarian aid agencies. You literally couldn’t make it up

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If those people were living under a rock.

Some lads are awful naive.

I get the feeling that one day @the_man_himself or @glasagusban will be taken in with a Ponzi scheme and cleaned out.



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Horrifying sight there in Centra, Stoneybatter. A small child (I’d estimate 7 years of age) was in the queue ahead of me INDOORS, with NO MASK and (presumably) NO VACCINE. Hopefully common sense prevails and this sort of thing is banned ASAP

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Children have never had to wear masks in shops. And in my experience they very rarely do at that age