8 Anthony Foley the most infamous
[SIZE=3]21 Bono farmerinthecity
34 Christy Burke fran
47 Denis Irwin The Selfish Giant
60 Ed Byrne Jimmy McNulty
74 Frank Flannery corner back
88 Ian Dempsey mac
101 John Fogarty croppy_boy
114 Luke Ming Flanagan croppy_boy
129 Michael Noonan bandage
142 Oisin Langan phil leotardo
155 Pearse McAuley manuel zelaya
168 Seamus Dooley artfoley
181 Susan O Keeffe artfoley
194 Vogue Williams - the most infamous[/SIZE]
How many posts have you? There’s a program built into the forum that when you reach 1000 posts you’ll get mailed a video outlining Irwin’s cuntishness, its legendary at this stage.