COTY Cunt Of the Year 2020 - Nomination Thread

Kevin Mcstay

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Cuntinatracksuit surely has to win sometime.


Youā€™re a strange strange man.


great to see Malahideā€™s Martin Fraser lower the blade

A grown man, your family must be very proud of you, ā€˜Dad, what are those avatars you useā€™?
You should be ashamed of yourself,
thanks for the like @anon67715551

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How many lads on here talk to their kids about the avatars they use on this weirdo place?

Asking for a friend.


@backinatracksuit badly rattled here, Batt has got to him.

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My young lad just told me heā€™s loving my latest avatar. You love to get that sort of validation of a Sunday morning.


Look mate, I think weā€™ll agree that Igive zero fucks about whether or not anybody here knows me, Iā€™d say half the forum know my name and where I work, anybody who for any reason is interested can PM me and Iā€™ll pass on my details,
@Bartholemew_the_Ladd seems to believe that i am concerned about anonymity, heā€™s said it a few times,
Repeatedly Using my pictures as his avatar is unhinged behaviour, my poor old dog never signed up for TFK,


When you put a picture up here you have no more say in what happens it. Thatā€™s your first mistake. Weird behavior alright but you gave him the material.

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Look mate, there wonā€™t be lawyers involved, he can do what he likes,
Itā€™s very odd behaviour for a late middle aged man to carry on with, I donā€™t even know why Iā€™m his target? :neutral_face: I guess my views are slightly liberal

But but, his dog!

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The new laws being enacted after the leak of pictures of Irish women should cover non-consenual avatar theft


Didnā€™t another grown man take a picture of you another day?

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No matter how rattled you get from a TFK feud or argument, you can never let your opponent see that heā€™s got to you. You can smash up the garden, kick the dog or take a hurl to the car, BUT YOU NEVER EVER SHOW THE CUNT THAT YOUā€™RE RATTLED. You swallow it down when you pick up that phone and carry on as if nothing has happened.


does your dog look nervous when you pick up the phone?

I donā€™t have a dog.

Jesus mate, thereā€™s no rules, Iā€™m not rattled, I suppose even replying to you now means Iā€™m further ā€˜rattledā€™ :grinning: this place is hilarious in how seriously itā€™s taken

I was nominated here, just making a reply,

Youā€™ve been on about this for a few days now.

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