COTY Cunt Of the Year 2020 - Nomination Thread

As far as I can see back in a tracksuit never engages with you but you seem to reply to or make a passive aggressive comment about almost every single post he makes. Whatā€™s the story there?


I hate to continue but is that what you think?

I mentioned it last night in another thread,
And I only spotted his contribution here a while ago because he failed to tag me, preferring to refer to me as cuntinatracksuit

But yes, rattled obviously

Ignore it.

I have done for three years, just thought Iā€™d mention it yesterday.

Iā€™ll field this one. Heā€™s a sad act weirdo who spends all day every day posting inane comments on TFK and following around posters who ignore him completely, for years on end. Itā€™s extremely weird behaviour.

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Heā€™s weak

Itā€™s not very zen.

Wrong again as usual. Cuntinatracksuit commented and directed it at me. I donā€™t know, nor care less, what or who he is but he tagged me. Then after many engagements, and some from his fans, he continues to say he doesnā€™t care. He is rattled, badly rattled. Bizarre for a grown man to be upset by an anonymous poster on an internet forum who looks in here once a month or so. I even deliberately moved from the thread that he tagged me on to see what he would do. And just like you, he became all indignant. Fuck off you prick.

Thatā€™s it lads, let the hate flow through you

Bizarre for a grown anonymous weirdo man to log in once a month to try to rattle another person.

This is extremely weird behaviour. You must see that yourself.

Go away and have a walk and think about it.

Bizarre for a man out of the leafy suburbs to be following an anonymous poster on an anonymous internet forum to comment on something that had fuck all to do with him in the first place.

Thinly veiled ā€œI know where you liveā€

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david mccullough

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Whatever. He make a virtue here of his love and support for Na Piarsaigh. My jibe about the ā€˜leafy suburbsā€™ has to do with that rather than any indication that I know where he lives. I donā€™t and care even less.

Hugh cahill

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Patrick Russell

George Lee.


Iā€™d say heā€™s been nominated about 10 times already.

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Can we shut the tread and awarded it to mcdonkey. Cunt of the decade