Coup in Turkey

It actually is, suppose they’re all playing catch up since social media has been more less blocked.

The media should just make up stuff for the laugh.

It’s not as if there would be any consequences for doing that.

Over reliant on easy news from social media, no actual journalists left on the ground

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Erdogan is dead apparently

Al jazeera have a translator

They’ve been doing it all night. Filling gaps with nonsense.

Rumours of an explosion in Ankara reported by AFP, Sky report but they can’t stand over it obviously because it’s an unconfirmed report of a rumour. But they still reported it obviously

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I lol’ed


Erdogan is dead against this coup

[quote=“Julio_Geordio, post:64, topic:22747, full:true”]

Is that the same Con that was married to Anne Carrah?

Sky News have sourced a translator - scenes!

Settle in lads could be a long night

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Rumoured explosion at the TV station, because fuck it, if you are going to rumour an explosion it may as well be somewhere interesting

Euronews reporting that Turkish media are reporting the Erdogan is seeking asylum from Germany

Unconfirmed reports that a mikitary helicopter opens fire over Ankara #fuckreportingfactsthatsboring

lesson learned from today

Dont fuck with Putin

this is great news btw-


Essential Coup viewing:

He’s doner runner.

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The revolution will be televised, but you’ll be none the wiser as to what’s happening

A man on a scooter has crossed the bridge.
We have unconfirmed reports he was on his way home from work.

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The TV presenter tried to ask Erdogan a question, but he told her to shish.