Covid 19 🐐- It's Back Baby!

I don’t listen to Rte bar sports.

What’s funny about them is that they don’t speak or write like normal people write. None of them do. They only speak or write as if they’ve been hypnotised. Everything they say is as if they’re chanting some mantra like in a cult. Repeat, repeat, repeat, leader, leader, leader.

The previous reply to you there is a good case in point.

The deep thinkers cannot think for themselves. Afraid to be different. Worried somebody might pass a comment on their shoes or what they are wearing.

Thats not what i asked

How am I meant to know what opinions are on Rte ? Some people think for themselves. You listen to people to form opinions.

True dat. Duh!

There’s nothing wrong with being a sheep I guess.

What an idiotic take. There were 3 posters who had the right take on Ukraine from the outset. You were feebly nodding along with the 99% like a anaesthetised hibernating sloth. And now you’re congratulating yourself for being a free thinker? It’s quite the turnaround.

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@Cheasty, @Sidney and @GV_Wright.

COVID has been confirmed to be a very mild flu and long COVID has been dismissed as horseshit… But you still have the same under the bed merchants calling it a killer disease :joy:


Most of the ones I know wouldn’t work on batteries at the best of times.(I only know of 2)

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I’m not sure if I’ve ever had the flu so I couldn’t compare
But I’ve had Covid a few times and while it didn’t knock a feather out of me it has taken me a long time to regain my previous fitness afterwards.
That’s my long Covid story :man_shrugging:

You did good guys

And I know two fellas with no long Covid who wouldn’t work to warm themselves either. Yano?

If you’re lucky to enjoy good health that’s great but there’s plenty of people who don’t.

People should try and be more understanding and not just needlessly nasty for no apparent reason.

Covid killed a lot people including health ones. It’s far from a stretch to think it could have a lasting impact on people.

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I had or suspected to have had covid at the start before lockdown etc. I would compare that to flu. It was an awful dose. Later strains were not as strong. For someone who was immunosuppressed it was deadly for healthy people just a really shit illness

You’re all winners lads

I can see this being a popular destination for the screaming Marys on here


Headbangers are big fans of April fools, they’re all having a go at it today :grinning:

Ah he didnt for that did he…

He even got a like

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