Covid the fallout

Not so sure

What we are effectively doing is adopting a zero covid strategy but govt and NPHET just forgot to tell anyone. They said it was unrealistic a few weeks ago but are going with a diet zero covid with allowing a few classes back to school to be seen to be doing something. This incompetence 12 months later is as a direct result of people being blase about their personal freedoms and a morally reprehensible media. The thing about personal freedoms is when you give an inch they will take a mile and they’ll row back with millimetres. Cunts.


I liked that bit from braveheart where William went round killing all the Scottish lords that betrayed him.
I’m hoping, that with some well placed incitement and riling, @Corksfinedtboy will break into the houses of tony, meehawl, claire byrne etc, in the dead of night and drop his massive balls onto the bastards, thereby killing them stone dead.


Politicans will always look at the way the wind is blowing.

The general public approx 60% of them anyway want more restrictions not less and the so called opposition are calling for same, so their hands are tied to an extent.

Critical thinking on this is out the window - you’ve a lad this evening here saying we should be greatfull we’re not living through the famine again ffs.

I personally don’t think we are halfway through this yet and when we do eventually move out of it. Climate Change restrictions could be just as draconian.

The cats out of the bag in terms of peoples freedoms - very hard to get that back - multiple booster shots or not.


Yeah we have crossed the rubicon with this now. Lockdowns indefinitely to avoid lockdowns. But the 60% you quoted have been systematically brainwashed.
Every other country in Europe will be open before we are. By the time the 9 week extension is up we will have been in level 5 lockdown for 25 out of 28 preceding weeks. Will this be replicated in any other country despotic or banana republics even?


Its coming up on the year anniversary now for the 3 weeks to flatten the curve mate.

We’ll be the last out of our peers in Europe to open up, and per population it won’t make one difference to our covid numbers overall anyway by the look of it.

Its a shambles thats going to keep running unfortunately.

But people can pinpoint the 2 weeks where some people socialised 2 months ago as the cause. Rinse and repeat.

No blame will ever be put to the nursing homes were over half of the deaths are or the hospitals were another third of the cases have been transmitted.


Very poor outrage levels about tonight’s news here. Lads are gone soft kissing up to their life-partners of a handy insignificant Thursday.
Expecting full guns after the Friday feed tomorrow at 7.30pm.

Lot of assumptions there about the UK like new trade deals, the Scots seceding etc. They have done a great job on the vaccine roll out don’t let that cloud the fact that there is 120k dead and aside from the vaccination they looked like they couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery before that

Good question…

Probably the UK as well, they might be out a few weeks earlier…

Buenos Aires had 7 or 8 months of a continuous lockdown but they are out of it since before Xmas I think

Being quoted 20 weeks delivery on some standard parts here.
Long deliveries on anything with a chip in it is being blamed on Covid.
How are ye surviving @ciarancareyshurlingarmy?
Get your orders for Christmas in early this year would be my advice.

Not seeing so many delays on the commercial side. Demand is down however for the past 6 weeks on discretionary work.

Price inflation on the basics is hitting elsewhere as people have to make choices

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This is a fascinating listen.

It’s obvious it came from the lab in Wuhan but it’s too inconvenient to be accepted as fact.


Give us some bullet points bro.

Be grand

The most obvious answer is usually the answer. No point in digging into conspiracy theories

Just back from feeding cattle for a tan neighbour, poor man is clane wrecked with covid, again. 65 years of age and never sick a day- until he took the injection.

Lord Bethell then told Mr Hancock: “He [Bell] says they are now really frazzled. Briefings from all corners, first DC [Washington], now Bx [Brussels]. They’re worried that they might be thrown under the bus by FCDO [Foreign Office]. They accept that their comms are a bit clunky, and they misjudged some things like clinical trials data and manufacturing, partly because they’ve not done a vaccine before. But they’re feeling at the end of their tether. Need a big hug: you are our national champion…”

Misjudged things like clinical data and manufacturing- i suppose thats why effectiveness turned out to be 1.2% and not 90%?


Devastating indeed.

What does the forum think, now that the oul vaccine has been and gone, and we’veall calmed down?
I’d say everyone in my immediate and extended family has had a few shots, with no major repercussions…other than fuck all protection from covid, if not increased susceptibility. Strange goings-on at my kids’ school - a combined teaching, administrative, caretaking etc. staff of about 80. Three strokes with one fatality …all in thier 40s or thereabouts. Bad luck, maybe. Definitely unusual odds.
I’m not being too hard on the vaccine. The oul lad came down with covid, which coincided with a serious liver infection and bleeding stomach ulcers…major surgery, months in hospital and so on. The vaccine quite possibly saved him. I think it probably had it’s place…but advising, bullying or blackmailing young people was unforgivable.