Cristiano Ronaldo - Legend (But just not as good as Messi)

He is doing the business versus CL makeight teams .

The debate has gone 360degrees from the days when the converse applied to Eric Cantona

Arsenal only signed Stepanovs because Ray Parlour and Denis Bergkamp had a bet to see who could wind up Martin Keown first in a friendly

Is Ronaldo just not trying in the league and saving himself for the champions league?

He’s was sold a pup by Rio and the boss

Failed again last night.

I see Christy had anther blank on the goal scoring front today. He’s really struggling for goals in the EPL.

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How did he get on in Serie A? Was he up there in the top scorer charts?

he turned a team that won the league at a canter numerous times in a row & would qualify for the semi finals and finals of the CL regularly into a team that didnt win the league and would get knocked in the last 16 to the likes of Lyon



Footix’s deal in goals scored, Tis gas

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Scored fuck all then?

Ronaldo was Juventus’s Suez Crisis.

A desperate, deluded attempt by a fading world power to regain relevance by making a grandiose statement which would make people sit up and take notice, which would make people take them seriously again.

It proved to be folly - they overestimated themselves, they over extended themselves, and they ushered themselves into an era of irrevocable long term decline and irrelevancy.


Incorrect. Harry Maguire is Manchester United’s Suez Crisis. He gets in a jam, the defence opens like the Red Sea and the Egyptians sprint through it.

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Yep, @mikehunt more into stats on match attack cards than the realities of what happened

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He trys to play football in places you would give out to a 12 year old for doing it. And the cunt can’t play football… If he just stuck to the simple things like defending he’s alright

A Dejan Lovren style overestimation of his abilities.

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He’s not mate. He’s a shit defender. He has no instinct for danger. He is flat footed. He gets too close to lads who can turn him in a second. He is a terrible fouler, no subtlety at all. A centre half needs to be able to make 3/4 fouls before he gets carded. Maguire cannot make a foul look small or accidental. A big barge or massive pull back every time. He can head a ball well, but is often in the wrong place. He is so aware of his lack of pace that he drops deeper all the time behind the other lads and we get done time and again on the offside trap. He also dreams of being some sort of playmaker sweeper, so he does try to play out sometimes(which of course he should) but he is such an unnatural footballer that it takes him ages to spot a pass and our whole attack is slowed down and teams have a bucket of time to get their shape. He’s a fucking donkey.


A 45 year old finished top scorer in Serie A last season. Lads be coming back from Qatar and China to retire in Italy.