CSI:Lost Babies

Anyone see that program on RTE last night about missing baby cases. Last night dealt with a few cases in the same period back in 1954 (I think).

In Irish (but subtitled for us west Brits ;)) but I found it very interesting. Some good footage combined with restaged stuff. Interesting to see the Papers of the day. Old style Herald and Press and one I don’t remember, the Mail (I only remember crys of “Hedild or Preh-es!” as opposed to “Hedild, Mail or Preh-es!”).


For some reason Tom Baker just popped into my head … :wink:

Racist !
There are no black babies in there.

Yours etc,

[quote=“Garda Sean Horgan”]Racist !
There are no black babies in there.

Yours etc,

No caucasians either!

The red ones look like the birds that get off the Futura planes in Shannon after 7 days in Ibiza. Their first trip away and 3rd degree burns.

Yours in Bitches Be Crazy !

[quote=“Garda Sean Horgan”]The red ones look like the birds that get off the Futura planes in Shannon after 7 days in Ibiza. Their first trip away and 3rd degree burns.

Yours in Bitches Be Crazy !

Or the lads getting back on the provincial buses after being up for the game in Croke Park on a fine sunny day. A “Championship head” on them as an aquaintance of mine once said.

Or the yellow ones remind of the Carkies when faced with the Kingdom in Croke Park.