Cunt of the Year 2017

Mary Ellen Synon. A vile shit.

Thomas O’Doherty from co Clare who head butted a youth volunteer while wearing a motorcycle helmet.
The attack was carried out in front of 6 kids under the age of 11, including the victims daughter.
The cowardly cunt.


Senan Connell

Went to school ahead of this fella. He’s from a family of very decent people, but this lad always had a streak gone awry.


Looks like yer man from love/hate who fell off balcony - Terence big balls nephew.

Fergal Darcy- a complete tool.

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This cunt is charging out into the lead.

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You could also dish out a few nominations to the solicitor who wrote the letter


The solicitor is obliged to do his/her job.

All they can do is best advise the client as to what action they should take. With a cunt like this you’d imagine that whatever you told him he’s still do the cuntish thing regardless.

Jim O’Callaghan.

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Because he is a cunt.

Oh look, a Fianna Failer running to his defence.

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I’m not defending anybody. I just asked a question. In fact I know fuck all about him apart from his claims over the last couple of days.
You’ll have to be a little more descriptive in your reply @Nembo_Kid

A sneaky, opportunistic, untrustworthy cunt.
Brother of cuntbag Miriam O’Callaghan.
Ex rugby player.
Looks like a wanker.


Sounds good enough to me. Sold!

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The jury rests. 2 ends of a cunt and deserves a life sentence in cuntitude.

Colm Brophy TD


There are only 2 cunts in the neighbourhood where Jim O’Callaghan lives and he is the both of them.