Cunt of the Year 2018 is now sorted

  • Toes


You toe the line. Not tow the line.
Did I not correct you on this very recently?

You did. I acknowledged it at the time and I acknowledge it again.
On the rare occasions when I do make a mistake I welcome correction. I note that you didnā€™t call me names this time.
Thanks buddy.

I was most likely drunk the last time we had this discussion.

Thatā€™s fine. It was a word I was unfamiliar with but have made good use of since. At the time I thought you needed a tow up the hole

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Colm McCarthy.

He was on the Tonight Show on TV3 last week. He gave an example of a school he knows in ā€˜North Tippā€™ which has remained open with very few pupils in it. He was going mental at this considering that there was another school 10 minutes up the road yet the parents of the first school protested hard so it wouldnā€™t be shut. He lamented the loss of tax payers money but did say that he was ā€˜for the children of rural Ireland having the right to educationā€™. Nice of him I thought.

Of course the irony of this bloated clown talking about wasting tax payers money while his rubbish Bord Snip report gathers dust in whatever department it is in. Also his crusade against rural national schools (and his one example) while billionaires and large companies are laughing at the State while they pay no taxes, shows where this guyā€™s priorities lie.

Still heā€™ll find a voice in the Sindo and thousands of copies will be sold every week.


This guy is still referred to as some sort of authority for some reason. Heā€™s a fucking joke.


He looks like a functioning alcoholic


Did he not have a stroke?

Mickey Harte

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Tony OBrien


Brian Oā€™Driscoll

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Sean Cox

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Michael O Leary

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Eddie O Leary

Edgy poster alert


Colm Oā€™Gorman.


All the spastics from the KBC Bank ads on the telly, including the fucking eejits doing the voiceovers