Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Another tfk exclusive


We’ve spent 5million building a cycling path for these cunts. We endured traffic disruption for two years and gave them a third of our road space. And what do you know, the cunts still insist on cycling on the road.

I blew one of these cunts out of it there on Saturday, head to thigh in red Lycra he was, with a stream of traffic built up behind him unable to pass because the width of the road now is the bare minimum. When I got past him I came to a stop at the lights and pulled tight to the kerb to cause maximum inconvenience to the cunt.


Are these available as an upgrade for the Leaf?


One of your less coherent posts. Calm down Fagan.

Outstanding :clap:

What’s not coherent about it? It’s absolutely perfect. It could be from a novel.


Is the cycle path fully open yet @Fagan_ODowd?

Fully opened there on Thursday.

Well then feel free to mow the fuckers down if they’re on the road. That’s a disgrace.


Real racers will never use a bike track. Too much shite on the surface, broken glass etc.


Why is it a disgrace?

Well the alternative to using the bike track is going to have to made less appealing then.

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You’re saying he made it up?

I’m a cyclist before anything, but at the end, it boils down to basic manners. Don’t hold people up if you’re going slowly.
I’d add that the insistence on cycling two abreast, just because it’s legal, is also plain rude.
I’ll always pull in single file if there’s a car behind, as even if they still can’t overtake, it shows that you are at least making an effort.
Cars will often reciprocate by giving you a decent bit of room as they pass.


As a cyclist, I think you were dead right to do that, especially on that stretch of road.


Because that stretch of road now has a beautiful, brand spanking, 2 Lane cycle path overlooking the sea. If you decide to cycle on a narrow road instead of your designated path, you’re just a cunt.

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No. That he has a wonderful way with words. It was like I was there. I found myself cheering on our anti-hero, the grouchy old curmudgeon.

Wouldn’t condone the van drivers actions bur the cyclist was in the middle of the road there which was also very dangerous.