Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Is the dog better at maths than you as well? :joy:

And spelling as well

4 cyclists killed on the road in the last 2 weeks

horrific stuff guys

hopefully a lot more investment in cycling to stop this madness

Shit. About to cycle home from town. Wish me luck.

is the coast road cycle lane open mate?

No. they’re two years working on that fucking thing now and it’s still not finished. They had to postpone the work for the winter because of the Brent Geese that cover every pitch in the Bay Area with a blanket of goose shite every single year. Don’t fucking start me on the cunts in the council.

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We need a goose tax and the cyclists should pay it


Mrs leng has, I suspect, a casual relationship with the truth.

Can we toll the cycle lanes?

Who is killing the cyclists? Is it the motorists? When are they going to be made to pay to protect vulnerable road users?

I think you know more than you are letting on here.

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Shit just got real on the peninsula.


Boards will go into meltdown.

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Alright sort of The Year material there.

I’m guessing that guy who organises and sets the agenda for local residents meetings is responsible

He’s a demon if he is. I imagine he’s almost fully loaded already with the ‘stop social housing for welfare types and Travellers on a plum seaside location’ campaign.

@Fagan_ODowd great artwork. You really opened up your haemochromotositic joints and expressed yourself.

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It is believed to be the work of a lone wolf. No accomplices.

I must have a cycle up there over the weekend and take a look.

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First sign is at Santa Sabina school. A3 size.

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