Cunts on Ghost Bikes

its coming mate

Balbriggan to town on SEGREGATED lanes is in the pipeline

Liffey now has a SEGREGTAED lane


It’ll be interesting to survey how many people on bicycles will use said lane as opposed to the car/bus lane

Have a look at the baldoyle to Port SEGREGATED bike lane. Very few if any choose the road ahead of the lane.

That was a proper project, delivered on budget & time.

Some lads have no vision for the world their kids are inheriting sadly.

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I’m never really over that way mate but I’ll take a look next time I am. Are both the North and South quays done? The South quays were always much worse

I cycle in Dublin most days, I’d love to see someone clip this cunt.

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He’s outside his 5k for a start.

@iron_mike’s daughter

Murder on the Thames. Floored!


Get well soon Sophie.

I’ll gut you. You need to get out of Cork you turncoat

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FAO of @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy


Only seeing this now. Shocking.

Terrible shocking. He’ll never get justice.

The article says gardai are following a line of enquiry that there was another vehicle involved. What the fuck happened?

Two cars racing each other side by side.
One car crashed into the cyclist, killing him, the other car left the scene.

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That is messed up. Poor lad. I hope it was instant.

They know who it was but probably can’t prove it.Thats that.Next .

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Have a look at the matters about limerick tread. You’ll get a better understanding. Awful for the poor fella