Cunts on Ghost Bikes

The Limerick thread scares me mate. I’m not going in there.


We don’t bite. Its just the women, according to Tommy Tiernan

On the M50 there a few minutes ago. The guards had pulled over a teenage lad who had been cycling in the M50 at that point in Ballymun where the road has gone to 6 lanes and is beginning to go in three different destinations

Sign in @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

Why would a cycling website use such a derogatory term


Peak cunt. Guy Richie is wrong too


that guy is a hero

We won’t need police to leave the station at all shortly with all the curtain twitchers


all joking asides we are way behind progressive countries on issues like this

All buses should have cameras and any cager in buss lanes should be fined
same with dangerous driving, the gardai should encourage go pros evidence to stop dangerous driving

The big question here is why is Guy Ritchie allowed drive a Range Rover through central London. The more planet haters like him that are put off the road the better for all mankind.



E-bikes. Talk to me. I’m a novice but am toying with an e bike. Pal of mine imported one that seems ridiculously fast.

Yes. I think the new bike to work scheme wouldn’t cover the cost of it but heard good things about them by users. There are rental one’s all over Dublin now. Give one of them a go

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This looks the job

The future of urban transport imho.

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Pricey all the same.

Yep saw a few around town. Bit surprised by the price

I hope.electric bikes become a lot more common

Good new Doc on one here now detailing the political rivalry between Irish cycling organisations around the 72 olympics

A story well covered in the book ‘the ascent’ @balbec

Probably worth listening back


I agree with what your saying about cameras and I’ve no problem with cyclists highlighting drivers with dangerous behaviour but that’s just gowl acting. Tbf bad behaviour from cyclists in general has massively decreased lately and I think motorists have become more aware around giving space from what I’ve seen and my own driving with cyclists ive been more aware. What’s your opinion on that as a cyclist from the past 2 years? I don’t cycle on roads so I don’t know from that perspective.
