Cunts on Ghost Bikes

The Car lobby will never relent - we’ll just adapt.

You lycra wearing fat bastards should just fuck off to a racing track.

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What does LTN refer to?

yes mate, active travel isnt the way forward :thinking:

fuckin cagers - join the dots

Lycra Task Network

You’ve hot buttered your surfboard all over the globe now you want your daughters to grow up prisoners - hypocrite.

yes mate, im a hypocrite for not wanting their future ruined by climate change

You’re looking to cycle before you can crawl — I’d argue you should tackle renewable energy and agriculture and food sources globally first - then you can get all bent out of shape about high nellys and penny farthings

yes we should tackle them but there are things we can do on an individual basis too

less car usage
less flights
less eating meat
switch to solar

to name a few

I guess some of you might say my essential trip to Oz is terrible and hypocritical but i can assure you I carbon offset

I dont eat meat.

I havent flown in 18 months.

I generally only drive to the grocery store and to football in a given week.

Solar is a bit off i’m afraid.

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I don’t see how LTN describes cagers but thanks for clarifying it. That is cunt acting. I’ve always been on the fuck the lycra brigade, it does frustrate me getting stuck behind them but I want to get your perspective rather than arguing. Within urban areas more needs to be done to encourage cycling as a mode of transport thats what I’m interested in. The BTW scheme is a great start.

good on you

Only yanking your change mate

LTN is low traffic neighbourhood, i agree with better infrastructure but we also need to punish drivers - car driving is a cost to society

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You got me tbf. I agree with reducing cars but they are a necessary evil. I would cycle if closer to work but its not possible. If you live in a city and work relatively nearby there’s little excuse. Infrastructure should be focusing on allowing cars to avoid passing through cities, Limerick is almost at the point with northern distributer coming soon and if they remove the toll there would be little option. Good cycling set up and planning is needed rather than slapping lanes in poor places. Its encouraging to see that there is more progress. I like the lane of shannon Bridge despite I’ve seen very little use it when I passed but I’m sure use will only increase

Cycling on country roads is a different beast to in a city.

Since Covid19 Dublin has improved so much for people on bikes

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It’s great driving in too. Very little traffic.

you are traffic

Got a grand handy parking spot today.

@TreatyStones 1
@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy 0