Cunts on Ghost Bikes

I’ve been cycling 200km a week for 10 years. The improvements in infrastructure in recent times are so positive and it’s going to get better. More SEGREGATED lanes the safer it is, more people will cycle and there will be less traffic. People on bikes break traffic laws but do less damage than when people who drive cars break the law


I more or less pushed a cyclist into a hedge with the car just outside Blarney this morning – I felt like a really big man after it I must admit.



It actually did bro … the wife wasnt too pleased but I was too full of testosterone after it to care


Cagers are cunts

Out Tower direction? A horrible road.

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New bike to work scheme is 1250 for a regular bike and 1500 for an e bike.
Another green win



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Lovely stuff
Supply lines bolloxed on popular bikes now

Fuck sake. This is like saying a lad selling coke is more respectable than a lad selling heroin.


Probably more

Doctors in England beginning to prescribe daily bike rides

Can’t beat a bit of leisure time

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The Irish Times view on cycling infrastructure: a tipping point (via @IrishTimes)

The Guardian had a good article yesterday about the days of cars being numbered

a few guys here cant get their head around LTNs

I have literally just cycled through Phoenix Park to the Castle knock entrance. I am now sitting on a park bench before I cycle back through the park some more. I open tfk for a few minutes and read about some inbred Limerick mullocker who wants to remove the cycle lane I’ve just cycled on. My serenity is broken. This roaster has probably never been to Phoenix Park except to see Pope John Paul. FF out.

He’s FG

I’ve changed my attitude a lot lately as a motorist being more patient etc. Never did anything dangerous iirc but I agree that cycling infrastructure is the way to go for both cyclists and motorist but I am getting annoyed at the half arsed jobs Limerick council are doing, feels like stick a few lanes in and keep the twitter crowd happy (we all know the types). Shannon Bridge is a decent job tbf but for it to be a better success removing the toll in the tunnel will remove the need for some cars to go through the city an dual bridge

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reducing Tolls for cars does not lead to LTNs