@Tank, you should pick a charity and raise money for it as motivation if you’re in any way serious about it
Yes I’d need to buy a bicycle first also. I could get a hundred quid or so off TFK anyway
For the charity or the bike?
rent a car with roof rack that you can drop to kerry
Get a gel cushioned seat cover what ever you do…
He could stop in on tfk members down the western seaboard. Journal his experiences.
I’m sure lads would throw a bike in a van for him and transport him to next starting off point
Day 4 - Kinvara.
Helped a forum member power wash the front path of a 95 year old widow. She appears to have a lot of land with road frontage. She can’t have long left to go.
You make a lovely mug of tae in fairness to you.
It would be like the time Gerry Ryan claimed he killed a lamb himself to eat while on some 'survival trip in Connemara until it emerged it was total bollox
Day5 - Lehinch
Met a forum member on his family holidays. He does not appear capable of cycling a few miles so I carried on alone
It would be if it was him but I did not mention golf
Mixed reports. Pendulum effect on the steering I believe. Would you need to be handy to fit the kit.
I’d get someone in a bike shop
Good idea in fairness
It’s a good idea. A lot of that Kickstarter stuff can be good idea but the delivery times are awful
What is the Kickstarter stuff?
Looking at prices, if it were a bit cheaper, I could see a lot of people buying them. I’m not sure where you see based but if you are on the southside on the coast facilities seem to be getting so much better and a safe cycle into town would be the best option
If you have an idea you crowdsource funds and then design and make it. Anything from a water bottle to a pizza oven. You basically pre pay and then wait for it to be made and shipped. Not sure how far along lads are.
My pal brought in an E-bike from US. It’s scarily fast. He reckons he can do 50km/h on it ?
They must be doing ok. Very professional as came up on YouTube.
Could imagine a considerable time lag though if you put money in at the start though. Do early adapters benefit?