Cunts on Ghost Bikes

You mean the car at the front didn’t tip her “accidentally”.

It’s the least the cunt deserved

I drove that a couple of weeks back. Looks a very big project

You are vile


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The only good cyclist is one who has two punctured tyres


I’m not comfortable with the term cyclist


Ok I’ll rephrase. How does “cunt on a bike” sound?

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Is that the road they were on TV protesting about the walls being knocked?

Yes, they protested that lovely walls were being removed and replaced by unsightly fencing. No one pointed out that there were no walls there to begin with.

Nice bit of aggro on the SCR women’s whattsapp group about the cycle lane @Julio_Geordio, a lot of people want it to be permanent, mostly the younger ones, the old dears are up in arms


I genuinely haven’t seen anyone use it. It’s grand now but will be carnage when the schools go back you’d think. The other turn up is even less able for traffic than the SCR.
I’m zen enough about it either way. Not affecting me massively other than I keep forgetting I can’t go that way and have to go down to the roundabout to go all the way back.
It’s a nightmare for turning left now though. No break in traffic.
I’d also be worried this is a prelude to them giving planning for a fuck load more houses to open out onto the SCR.
If they genuinely want to stop traffic using it as a rat run then make it a cul de sac for cars at the top of the hill or something. The slip road is the only part of it that works well at the minute

What would I need to cycle around Ireland? Maybe Malin to Mizen or something like that. Obviously I’d need a bike first of all. Then a tiny tent that I could fit on the back. How practical is this plan?

Your head examined


Are you wanting to do it as quickly as possible or take some scenic routes along the way?

Really good tyres

What about this?

How would you get there

Good question

You’d need a bike with a few panniers on it to carry a tent, change of clothes, gear etc and then food if you dont want to be paying the whole way. If you’re in no rush and have a decent level of fitness you’d be ok doing it. Targeting certain towns and booking accommodation in advance so you can shower / sleep properly would probably be worth a lot as it’ll help with rest / recovery.