Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Yes. It’s quite upsetting

Throwing a firework at a vigil


There is savage wet gear for cycling available in Decathlon. Not a drop got in this morning in serious rain for over 40 mins.

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Those suits are for surfing pal.

:rofl::rofl: … In all seriousness though it is excellent material. I’ll be investing in more for standing on sidelines at matches and training.

Pure scum

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This is a deadly initiative

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy: is that you with the red bike?

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Nice fixie

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Is there some kind of on going feud between the deliveroo cyclists and local scum?
It’s not the first time there’s been clips of large altercations between them.

Are you angry at him using an offensive term?

thats why i put it up mate

we need people to change mindsets

A quick google tells me that’s more an indication of the weather last year than anything else. It rained that afternoon in Dublin. Stats for a Sunday afternoon cycling crowd don’t reflect much on general going to work cycling trends.

I suppose work day figures are down because of the virus. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for it. But he certainly is bending the stats there.

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Although we are of course perfectly entitled to do so


Votes for an amendment to the plan for a 30kmh speed limit - So which Councillor voted to change the proposal for a 30kmh speed limit

Councillor For Against
Daryl Barron (FF) For
Racheal Batten (FF) For
Deirdre Conroy (FF) For
Daithi de Roiste (FF) For
Tara Deacy (SD) For
Daithi Doolan (SF) For
Pat Dunne (I4C) For
Mannix Flynn (Ind) For
Mary Freehill (Lab) For
Deirdre Heney (FF) For
Briege MacOscar (FF) For
Darragh Moriarty (Lab) For
Naoise Ó’Muuiri (FG) For
Damian O’Farrell (Ind) For
Larry O’Toole (SF) For
Cieran Perry (Ind) For
Noeleen Reilly (Ind) For
Nial Ring (Ind) For
Dearbháil Butler (GP) Against
Claire Byrne (GP) Against
Mary Callaghan (SD) Against
Hazel Chu (GP) Against
Caroline Conroy (GP) Against
Donna Cooney (GP) Against
Hazel de Nortúin (PBP) Against
Janet Horner (GP) Against
Darcy Lonergan (GP) Against
Tina MacVeigh (PBP) Against
Carolyn Moore (GP) Against
Sophie Nicoullaud (GP) Against
Michael Pidgeon (GP) Against
Catherine Stocker (SD) Against
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Thanks pal. A useful list for us to base on our next vote on.
