Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Galway is miles behind on this. They need to build the outer bypass and close the inner city to cars.

You’ll need an outer outer bypass for the outer bypass

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oh the times they are a changing - great clip below, FCC have huge plans for Fingal

big battle coming with people who drive taxis

cager nearly ploughs through the kids

Drama Queen

A dreadful manoeuvre to be caught out with on national TV, that isn’t a one way system, the driver is on the wrong side of the road there, kids were about 100 metres from turning off that road

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So that isn’t actually a cycle lane the kids are in?

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Where you going with this?

No, there is no cycle lane there, it was a cycle lane until Sunday but they reverted to two way traffic there



Hopefully garda traffic do the cager

Mental driving… I know the area well. Would be ideal for cycle lanes in fairness.

The problem is that cycle routes need to be protected in their entirety, or the intersections where they become naked, or simply push the cyclist back out into general traffic are extra dangerous.
I’d be in favour of picking eight or so routes into every city as spokes, to the central hub, and close them completely to cars at all times other than access. A few bollards would sort it.


I heard a brilliant podcast about bike lanes in Manchester. We built this city on bikes & strolls

More reasons to be the name of the pod

Check it out

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RIP to the killed in a hit in run this week



so it seems some person threw a firework into the vigil and was chased

Tragic. These lads come over and work away and try and make a life for themselves and their families. And then the little Dublin scrotes who would not work to warm themselves attack them, rob them and now kill a rider.