Cunts on Ghost Bikes

@Thrawneen had an idea to open a bike parking in town. He was ahead of his time.


He was. Trouble is some Maria bailey would receive a career ending back sprain taking her bike out and the insurance premiums required would make it financially unviable as a private enterprise.

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Thirty or forty spaces in a multi storey car park would accomodate a fair few bikes securely. Plenty of half empty city centre car parks around these days.

I’d argue with the “securely” bit tbh.

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DCC have introduce secure parking sheds for streets but NIMBYs already giving out about them ruining the streetscape.

Cages don’t ruin the streetscape though

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They generally have cameras. Could do with a fella hanging around to supervise, could be a simple solution if the demand is there.

The camera will usually show an unidentifiable chap in a dark tracksuit and a hoodie pulled up over head head sawing through a lock and making off with a bicycle


Cameras are no deterrent really. Don’t seem to deter ordinary bike thieves,never mind 4k e bikes.

Grand. Let’s just say it’s impossible to park a bike in the city and stick with cars.

Anyone commuting on an expensive bike would want their head examined. The Dutch are the experts in the field. They will ride any kind of auld yoke in town.

Not unlike Thrawneen either


so would most of the lads here if they could get them drunk/slip them a roofie

I set that up nicely for you and you replied with a nice touch. Fooley of course tries too hard.


He’s got a lot of anger lately. He’s taken a few cliched swipes, it’s quite unbecoming.


As it is Lads won’t leave their expensive bikes in secure office underground car parks as they walk. They all bring them inside.

No hills.

Looks like @Thrawneen’s business idea is going to come to fruition.

Do the greens not care about visual pollution?