Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Cars are the main visual pollution there

Those bike safes would impede on pedestrian safety

Cagers kill pedestrians mate

Not just cagers mate

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Can you show comparable stats for death by cagers and death by people on bikes please


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How do they work? What stops a scallywag up to no good gaining access to my e bike with less than good intentions?

I think the houses on the street are given keys

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Yes I remember noticing that in Munich a few years ago. Most of the bikes on the street were “locked” with these babies

On further inspection most of the bikes were tat and not worth robbing. Seemed an ingenious solution to the problem of bike theft. Of course that wouldn’t work for Paddy the Irish middle aged Lycra clad commuter because no one in work would know that he had a top of the range Tour de France ready machine and he had just scored his personal best on the way into work that morning


More great news cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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What a time to be alive

Expect big changes in 2021 in Portmarnock guys

Harmless voter falls for political promise alert…

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You are vile riposte anticipated. It’s OK… Got it.


It’s going to get a proper pub?


The mask slips.

so desperate to be offended you go trawling all my posts and select one from 2 weeks ago and then edit it, rather than using the full quote which gives context.

you really are a pathetic little oddball arent you?

I was just catching up on the cycling thread Foley. No one has ever trawled your posts, don’t flatter yourself. The words you chose to use are telling.

yeah right!

youve trawled through my posts before, youre not too far off, mentally, from the other weirdo that used to do that.

i also note that you dont deny that you have never used roofies to get your leg over

There’s only one person whose mental state we need to worry about, the one who blithely refers to drunk/drugged sex/rape with a throwaway comment.

Art owning yer man here.