Cunts on Ghost Bikes


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it doesnt make sense, even without the bollards you cant park your cage there so why remove them

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Delivery lorries have to be allowed block the cycle lane and half the footpath.

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Wickham Street was narrow enough as it was. Proper order.

proper order that they removed the bollards?

If you were hurtling up the Wickham St cycle lane on your bike and you came across the chap on the Mobility scooter ahead of you, what course of action would you take?

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy is an active transport type rather than a Garmin gimp. He’d bid him good day, rationalise how the Green Party had to support FFG corruption in order to get those bollards and then do a line of personal off the handlebars of his mobility scooter


I wouldnt see any situation where id be hurtling up a street in a city centre,

This segregation won’t go down well with the #blacklivesmatter movement

Flynn is dreadful

this is what the cagers are fighting for

The right to have a dog riding on their bonnet?

how dare you - its not a dog, its a person that barks

It shits on the street. And in parks. Sure I haven’t done that in years…

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Plenty room for the cyclist to go around him there