Cunts on Ghost Bikes

firstly, nobody uses that outdated term any more

secondly, its all VRUs inconvenienced here, people walking, people with prams, wheelchair users etc etc

you are advocating wheelchair users to crash into wheely bins

What about the poor BMW driver? He’d be inconvenienced walking in the rain.

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Yes I’ve been consistent on this

what BMW?

Points on licenses is the only viable option to cut out that shite.

Causing obstacles to those on foot or bicycles. Never mind the hassle to delivery vehicles.


The right to video kids

Having said that the behaviour of parents around schools in cars is often dangerous. People get often wound up.

What poster recently was seething for a few days after a woman cut him off outside a school and went out to right that wrong.

I’ve been in this jetland queue so long I’m mistaking Mercedes for BMW.

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I actually agree with this. I was just winding up a cyclist to amuse myself. Car should be towed

I think it’s time to introduce a cycling tax… Roads and cycle lanes don’t pay for themselves.

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general tax pays for them mate

So can we abolish motor tax ?

More like make them wear helmets and hi vis.


Soon this will hopefully be the norm. Kids & parents cycling safely around our Capital city.

Happy Xmas bro.

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happy christmas mate

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The only real positives of COVID-19 has been the amount of people finding the joys of walking, cycling & running again.
That and realisation of the important things like family.

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I’m fairly sure that’s London, pal.


I’d say I’ve watched that clip at least 10 times and it gets better each time.


It’s hypnotic. The “aaah” at the end :joy: