Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Terrible driving by the van driver

You would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at that.


Extremely reckless, he cut the corner too.

Bike rider had no hi vis either though.


Are there brakes on a penny farthing ?

there are, i think the technical term for them is “DPD van”


Bizarre that he turned into the van and not away from it

I loled out loud at that

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Fair play to him. I’ve recently become a mamil and frankly many of the car / jeep drivers are a disgrace.

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we prefer the term advocate for active travel

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Nah I’m a mess of a man. Mamil sounds more like it.


It’s almost like there’s a flaw in the design of those bikes. They might want to go back to drawing board on it or that design could become obsolete

Probably the two of them sitting out in the middle of the road and blocking the carriageway for other road users. It’s very common out here.

& vice versa looking at how close he is to the side of the road

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Road is very narrow there at that part of Greenfield Road.

In fairness he was probably going for a personal best.

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cyclists are trying to save the planet. Kicking a child isn’t important in the grand scheme of things.

Fucking cunt.

Am I delighted he got caught at the Red Lights, the prick.

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“A FAT”?? :joy: