Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Looks to me like the State are funding another male dominated pastime.

This is from a survey of 1100 people from Dublin mate

Instead of rushing in with the negativity, you could have asked what the source data was

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As I thought, a vested interest produce a survey and the results happen to back up their cause:

The Bike Life survey, the biggest assessment of cycling in urban areas in Ireland and the UK, is produced by sustainable transport charity Sustrans

Next week @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy brings us the latest survey from Persil.

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A couple.of issues here mate, this is an active travel. related survey, the lack of facilities is the main reason more women don’t cycle and finally have a look at the chart relating to cycling to school to see what the preferred method of getting to school for school.girls is

A survey of .001 of the metropolitan area population. Conclusive stuff

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Conducted by a cycling advocate group

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1100 people a year die.from air pollution

Thank you cagers

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Apart from Deliveroo cyclists what percentage of cyclists are of non Irish backgrounds. From my vantage point here it seems to be a largely white middle class male pastime. Like golf 20 years ago.

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The cager lobbyist group is out in full swing this morning mate.


I’ll look for the slide on that but I agree with your point that by making it safer it will become.more diverse.

He’ll be telling us that muldoons love bog hockey next

There’s a gang of Filipino cyclists that turn up at many of the sportives around Ireland. All their wives are nurses and the lads spent a lot of time cycling

The shame is making them lash out

Please do.

New Year, same auld planet killing shite from them.


Oh one gang of Filipinos.

@Fagan_ODowd, glad to educate on this

Yes a largely male pursuit. Noted on the ethnicity

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A cost to society
A cost to the planet
A cost to children safety