Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Making it safe for the 90% of kids who preferred way of getting to school is cycling is what we should focus on

You’re doing yourself no favours with the propaganda slideshow. 1 in 4 adults cycles once a week? No way is that true.
1 in 4 of the people on bikes that we questioned…maybe.

It was a random.survey of 1100 people across Dublin

Commissioned by a cycling activist group?

20% of households have no car in Dublin

Oh no. Commissioned by the NTA

I look forward to comparing it with the report they commission from SIMI

30% of car journeys are of less than 2k guys

Just to confirm, the survey itself was carried out by the NTA and its results fed into the sustrans bike life report

Amsterdam is a most lethal place to be a pedestrian. Bike clowns would mow you down without a second thought.

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Is there any stats to back this up or is this your experience as a wet behind the ears muldoon in Amsterdam

While you are looking into the stats for that can you also get me stats for which city has more rain each year, Amsterdam or Dublin

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Brussels have introduced a 30km speed limit

It rains a lot

Dublin did that years ago.

The poor wives out slaving while the husbands swan around the country in lycra :man_shrugging:

They did and reversed it?

There was a vote on it recently and councillors voted against it

Haven’t they the right idea?


It must rain more in Amsterdam. Tis awful wet.

From your vantage point in a white middle class area?

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I live in one of Dublins most popular cycling destinations at the end of the best piece of cycling infrastructure in the country so I get to observe cyclists of all stripes.