Cunts on Ghost Bikes


i dont get it - the cows are using hate speech?

It’s just a joke…

Brother to the lad I bought the car off I assume?

Half brother. Big age gap between them.

Very good :grinning:

Look closely, he even has a bell.


Holy fuck.

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Epic bike handling.

Danny has featured on the incredible skill thread a few times, the mad cunt

He is an absolute gent also

Ah, if he was any good he’d have cycled up instead of carrying the bike up.


That’s fantastic


Segregated lanes are the new Gaelscoileanna @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

It’s logical. If you could let your kid cycle to school.safely in the morning or get to the shops it would increase your quality

Our great neighbours in the fair and beautiful isle of Britain want 50% of all journeys to be by active travel in 2030

There’s a wanker who turns up at the 40 Foot every so often and hops all over the place on his bike when everyone around him is getting changed. Complete poser. Is that Danny?

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