Cunts on Ghost Bikes

whats for Louth @caulifloweredneanderthal

Very serious leisure person it seems as she passed them going each way. They may have been slowing up her strava. She cursed at them a few times. It was the most exciting thing that’s happened them in ages!

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@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy I don’t see much if anything in Fingal allocation for the Royal Canal Greenway from Castleknock to Westmanstown. Can you look into this please?

not good, we spoke about putting signs up there to stress the share with care nature of the lane, a good few people have mentioned incidents like this before

Im not familiar with the area but im guessing its near here?

the whole Fingal section being done

€400k would be the only applicable part but it would be a drop in the ocean for what’s needed to upgrade the current wild trails along the canal.

Is that the Deep Sinking area?

Yes. It’s a bit of a nightmare.

It is indeed, had to wheel the bike along parts of it the few times I went that way. Nice wild feel to it though.

That’s awful narrow in fairness.
When I whiz by at 35km/hr, inches from @Juhniallio’s kids roaring “on your right” they’re liable to get some fright and end up in the ditch.


I’ll find out and revert back to you pal.

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My research indicates that there has been no funding allocated to Louth in this round. This is what happens when you don’t elect local Green representatives. Hopefully the voters will learn their lesson for next time around.

What’s the surface on the carlingford - Omeath greenway like?

It’s grand. Images here:

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy was raving about it last summer.

Edit: some of the images there seem to be the stretch to Newry. If you want to do that, you’ll have to go on the road from Omeath to just beyond the border. The plan is to link it all up @Juhniallio

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gravely in bits, no baldoyle - porto - but stunning views

poor form