Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Another swing and a miss from fooly.

I’ve probably been in the wrong many more times than that while on a bike. But I was never in the wrong on any of the occasions that I was knocked down. Much like I’ve never been in the wrong in any of my TFK disagreements with you

turn signal ??

we only have your word on that and youve been shown up on here far too many times for anyone to take that seriously


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More nonsense from Fooly.

he wasnt turning

the smugness dripping off your posts whenever anyone has the temerity to challenge you. its hilarious, given how misplaced your confidence in your abilities is.


You know a lad is in bother when he’s pulling out the “fooly” thing.

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he was. he turned into the van

He was. Into a laughing stock.


The greens realise there is a country outside the pale. Active travel :heart_eyes:

Uh huh. There’s a good lad.

oh look, there’s the smugness again!

poor crathur

@myboyblue and I were discussing how some weirdos were rally cycling up and down the canal path with those contraptions, through red lights and the likes. The units are unlikely the problem, more the nutjobs cycling them trying to hit a PB while dropping their kids off to crèche


Back in the day I used to see a fella going up past Wood Quay towards Christchurch on one. 3 lanes of traffic, merging with 3 lanes of traffic, and he weaving in and out with 2 youngsters in the front. I should have reported the cunt.


Teenagers on electric bikes on footpaths is fast becoming a scourge in SoCoDu.

They’re fast and I saw one narrowly miss a toddler as he came round a corner at weekend.

I’d have thrown an umbrella in the spokes if I had one.

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Why are these necessary? Can people who cycle not use their own energy rather than having to charge batteries? Also, what about the supply chain of these batteries? Disgusting cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

Ah yes, the Egyptian river defence that you usually revert to


They’re the latest cool thing to have out my way. Kids always rode recklessly but the e-bikes allow them to build up speed very quickly and endanger pedestrian toddlers.

I’ll leave the environmental impact to @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy - I think the graphite for the lithium is mined responsibly in Mozambique.