Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Active Travel Paths

will there be any open roads in 5 years where you have to share with cagers, hopefully not

It was me. On safety grounds. It’s ludicrous that you have to (rightly) strap a child into a seat in a car where they are surrounded by a steel cage and airbags but you can fuck your child into one of these buckets and head out on the open road.


So you’re saying that because of motorists our roads are too unsafe for cyclists to carry children?

The motorists aren’t the danger really. It’s the cars, lorries and buses that they are driving.

In my experience i’d say it’s the motorists. I’ve been knocked down three times in Dublin, each time I was in a cycle lane proceeding straight.

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Not to mention the condition of many of the roads. Fiachra and Sibèal bhfuil be making a fortune off the tooth fairy with the amount of bumps they hit.


God forgive but I laugh every time I see that.


I’m the same. And I always watch it a few times!

That’s a funny one alright. Hopefully the van driver was locked up.

Not a chance. Unless he was transporting wrongly labelled garlic.

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the little “aaaahhh” about 3 seconds after he hits the deck :smiley:

cyclist at fault there, no turn signal

Wrong, of course.

illusory superiority, of course.

Incredible luck that it just happened to be filmed.

You’re saying he didn’t signal to turn left, meaning he was continuing straight. If so that makes the van even more wrong.

It was a very funny fall we can all agree, but you’re trying too hard and you’re wrong.

theyre both wrong, they share liability

Wrong again.

im hardly going to take rules of the road advice from someone whos been in the wrong 3 times whilst on a bike.

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