Cunts on Ghost Bikes

You’ve forgotten the second rule of a crisis situation.

We’ve called your bluff.

The dance has begun.

The Biffos have 10,000 signatures on that link someone threw up …they’re itching for a row …looks like Barrett’s work colleagues * have rallied round him

*both his colleagues in his job in Bord na mona and in his bike co.


Is that a fixie?


Doubtful, most Dutch bikes aren’t fixed, even if they are single speed, and that one looks like it has internal hub gearing too.

Paddy has got a few mentions here. He was a genuinely nice guy. Wasn’t particularly close, was an acquaintance really, but I got a little emotional this morning watching this little film. A beautiful send off.

doesnt look like it but its a stunner

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Surely people aren’t riding fixed gear bikes any more?

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I’d ring that bell

I got the bike serviced.

Not cycled for a while.

I hope riding a bike is like riding a bike.

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I hope that’s not a state cager in the background.

It would be great if she could get her security detail also on bikes.


Fixies would be grand on the flat. But as long as there are hipsters there will be fixies.

You can’t go around bends on them or nothing. I’ve never ridden one.

I’m pretty sure the handlebars work on them…

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Eligible for auld birds next year too
Cc @Locke


TFK misogynists out in force this morning.