Cunts on Ghost Bikes


Too fucking late now. That’s @padjo levels of response speed

Or even @Mac

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There was no need to snap. That was intemperate on my part :v:t2:

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its ok mate, i understand the anger - getting the correct Bike is a huge thing in someone’s life

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Lads not even buying pedals for bikes now, that’s the way it’s gone

I try and keep on top of the maintenance on the good bike myself. Keep her clean, oiled, lubed. Do that and she’ll be a sweet ride all day long.

Phnarr phnarr

@locke @balbec etc

Any recommendations for cycling glasses that don’t cost a small fortune? I’d a cheap enough pair of BBB ones for a few years there (with the changeable lenses etc.) but they were in my backpocket when I took a few tumbles on the MTB and can’t really be saved now. Any suggestions for new ones chaps ?

These guys keep coming up in ads. Any good?

I’ve a pair of their running glasses. Can’t fault them.

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I’ve a pair of their photocromic cycling ones - faultless.

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I don’t wear them anymore because I’m gone as blind as a bat.

I wear contacts under mine.

I got a cheap pair from China that, after being plagued by ads for the past month, now cannot find their name. The lens tints in the sunshine. When the name comes back to me I’ll send it on.

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