Cunts on Ghost Bikes

+1. I’d love one of them.

I bought a mountain bike earlier this year @Raylan with hybrid pedals. I can wear normal shoes one side, and mtb shoes clipped on the other side of the pedal.

The roads will do me the finest for now, order gone in. There is fuck all bikes actually in stock in the places I was looking in the last few days incidentally

Huge shortage of bikes at the moment.
A friend of mine used to have a shop but still has some accounts. Ordered a fairly basic MTB for his Mrs back in February. Not a word since. Enquired about another bike for himself. Was told next February at earliest.

I’d say the cunt never gets home as can only turn on to his left.

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Who did he order from? Gone with Eurocycles there cos the website said they had it in stock

oh sorry, he was ordering direct from dealer (i.e. Merida or Cannondale or whoever it was) as he has accounts with them.

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Shops rammed trying to get serviced. 2-3 week wait. One of the places said even need to leave the bike there for the 3 weeks which made no sense.

Got blocked in parking other day by mobile bike repair guy. Asked him what the craic was with bookings. Booked in online, 3 days later he did 5 bikes of varying degrees of work in few hours in my front garden. Happy out.


Years ago Billy Wright had the only bicycle shop in the town, on Henrietta Street. He was the laziest cunt I’ve ever come across. You’d leave a bike into him to be fixed and three weeks later you’d be pleading with him to fix it but like most monopolies to no avail. Which one is it again Fagan? That one there Billy at the bottom of that massive jumble of bikes. Ah grand Fagan I’ll get to it during the week.

And sure enough he wouldn’t and I’d have to walk to school instead of cycling for another week.


YouTube is the saviour when it comes to servicing bikes

We didn’t have YouTube when I was in school.


Ye were lucky enough if a fella had a tube for a tyre.

Those little repair kits, the kitchen forks and the basin of water was all we had.

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We didn’t have electricity when you were in school

and they never worked

Cunts of things. You’d think you had done everything right and then when you’d pump up the tire to test it the cunt of a thing would start to lift off.

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I didn’t go to school in Kilmallock?


That’s what we used when I was young too!

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That’s what I was going using on 2 of said 5 bikes above! With your man to my door said fuck it, lash into them too Boris for me

Fair point. Badly worded.